UniHIPE release 4.0

UniHIPE is a tool that produces fits file in the format required by Unimap.

Using UniHIPE you can also launch directly Unimap and generate the final maps.

The tool requires HIPE (v.12 or greater) installed in your computer. In order to install HIPE follow the link: http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/hipe-download

To generate final maps you have to install Unimap:to install Unimap follow the link http://infocom.uniroma1.it/unimap/


To install UniHIPE:

  1. Launch HIPE
  2. Go to Tools menu > Plugins and click Install new... button in the plugins window
  3. A new window will be open: you can copy directly the link at the jar file on the SSDC website: https://herschel.ssdc.asi.it/files/UniHipePlugin_4.0.jar in the text field or select the jar file from a local directory if you have already downloaded the plugin. A popup window will inform you if the installation process worked as expected.
  4. Restart HIPE

Now UniHIPE is added to the HIPE task list (look for uniHipe under SPIRE or PACS task list).

UniHIPE plugin description

Double click on uniHipe in the task list opens the plugin GUI. A brief description of the parameters available to the users is provided here. The description follow the GUI division: the GUI is divided in three sections: Main, UniHIPE and Unimap.

Main Tab

In the main tab you have to define main inputs for the UniHIPE/Unimap process

UniHipe Tab

In the UniHipe tab you have to define specific inputs for the UniHIPE process, i.e. the process that convert standard SPIRE/PACS level1 into Unimap input format.

Unimap Tab

In the Unimap tab you have to define specific inputs for the Unimap process, i.e. the process that convert level1 generated by UniHIPE process in the final maps.

(Note that many others parameters for Unimap are modifiable by the user changing the unimap_par.txt file available in the directory where the Unimap is installed on your machine)

Running UniHIPE

You can execute UniHIPE in interactive mode, setting all parameters via GUI ad described above or you can call it via command line writing a simple jython script.

An example of jython script is provided with the plugin and is available under HIPE menu > Tools > UniHipe Plugin.

To execute the jython script via command line you have to type:

    hipe myUniHipeScript.py 

To allocate, e.g, 6gb of memory to the process:

    hipe -Xmx6g myUniHipeScript.py 

How it works

UniHipe creates the FITS files for Unimap (unimap_obsid_<instrument>_<array>_<tag>.fits) in the subdirectory "tag" within the inOutDir directory. It also generates an auxiliary file "unimap_meta.dat" that will be managed by unimap to create the fits header

Unimap, if called, generates the final maps with the name unimap_<array>.fits: this is an image that stores all the maps generated by different Unimap steps as different layers. For a description on how Unimap works, please refers to Unimap website.

Getting help

Write a e-mail to Fabiana FaustinI fabiana.faustini@ssdc.asi.it

Comments and suggestions are welcome!

UniHipe is developed by SSDC (ASI Space Science Data Center) www.ssdc.asi.it

The SSDC is a facility managed by the Italian Space Agency, ASI

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Part of this work based on archival data, software or online services provided by the ASI SPACE SCIENCE DATA CENTER (SSDC)